Rhinoplasty (Nose Reshaping)

Rhinoplasty, or nose surgery, is sometimes referred to as “nose reshaping” or a “nose job.
Nose cosmetic surgery improves the appearance and proportion of your nose, enhancing facial harmony and self confidence. Nose surgery may also correct impaired breathing caused by structural abnormalities in the nose.
While the shape of your nose is usually the result of heredity, the appearance may have been altered in an injury or during prior surgery.
Rhinoplasty surgery can change :
Nose size, in relation to the other facial structures
Nose width, at the bridge
Nose profile, with visible humps or depressions on the bridge
Nasal tip, that is large or bulbous, drooping, or too upturned
Nostrils that are large, wide or upturned
Nasal asymmetry and deviation
Consultation for Nose Surgery
The success and safety of your nose surgery depends very much on your complete candidness during your consultation. You'll be asked a number of questions about your health, desires and lifestyle before rhinoplasty surgery.
Be prepared to discuss :
Why you want the surgery, your expectations and desired outcome Medical conditions, drug allergies and previous medical treatments Use of current medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, alcohol, tobacco and drugs Previous surgeries
Your surgeon may also :
Evaluate your general health status and any per-existing health conditions or risk factors
Examine and measure your face
Take photographs for your medical record
Discuss your options and recommend a course of reshaping your nose
Discuss likely outcomes of a nose surgery and any risks or potential complications
Discuss the type of anesthesia that will be u
Step 1 – Anesthesia
Medications are administered for your comfort during rhinoplasty surgery. The choices include intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. Your doctor will recommend the best choice for you.
Step 2 – The incision
Surgery of the nose is performed either using a closed procedure, where incisions are hidden inside the nose, or an open procedure, where an incision is made across the columella, the narrow strip of tissue that separates the nostrils.
Through these incisions, the soft tissues that cover the nose are gently raised, allowing access to reshape the structure of the nose.
Nose Surgery, Before Nose Surgery, After
Step 3 – Reshaping the nose structure
Surgery of the nose can reduce or augment nasal structures with the use of cartilage grafted from other areas of your body.
Most commonly, pieces of cartilage from the septum, the partition in the middle of the nose, is used for this purpose.
Occasionally a piece of cartilage from the ear and rarely a section of rib cartilage can be used.
Step 4 – Correcting a deviated septum
If the septum is deviated, it is now straightened and the projections inside the nose are reduced to improve breathing.
Step 5 – Closing the incision
Once the underlying structure of the nose is sculpted to the desired shape, nasal skin and tissue is re draped and incisions are closed. Additional incisions may be placed in the natural creases of the nostrils to alter their size.
Step 6 – See the results
Splints and internal tubes will likely support the nose as it begins to heal for approximately one week.
While initial swelling subsides within a few weeks, it may take up to a year for your new nasal contour to fully refine.
During this time you may notice gradual changes in the appearance of your nose as it refines to a more permanent outcome. Swelling may come and go and worsen in the morning during the first year following your nose surgery.
Nose surgery Rhinoplasty
A nose surgery procedure to improve an obstructed airway requires careful evaluation of the nasal structure as it relates to airflow and breathing. Correction of a deviated septum, one of the most common causes of breathing impairment, is achieved by adjusting the nasal structure to produce better alignment.
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Dimple Creation

Dimples are considered as a sign of good luck, apart from adding beauty to a smile. Dimples are formed when there is a defect in the cheek muscle (buccinator muscle). The skin overlying this defect is stuck down to the underlying connective tissue which creates a dimple in the skin with change in facial expression, like smiling. Dimples can be created on other parts of the face like the chin without any external incisions.
The surgeon would advice you with the best position and size for your dimple.
The Procedure
A dimple creation procedure takes an approximate 30 minutes to complete. This is carried out under local anesthesia. The incisions are made in the inside of the cheek and there are no scars or incisions on the outside surface. A punch biopsy instrument is placed alongside the inner cheek (buccal mucosa) in lines with the location of the dimple and circular motions are made which cuts through the inner cheek, sub-mucosal and cheek muscle. The circular tissue is removed and the skin is left intact. The skin is positioned appropriately to create a dimple and the cylindrical gap is closed with absorb able sutures. The sutures are placed through the cheek muscle connecting the dermis layer of the skin. A surgical knot is then tied which dimples
the skin without a smile.
The sutures dissolves and absorbs in 2 weeks and the skin flattens out creating a normal appearance as earlier. When the internal scar heals it connects the cheek muscle to the skin thus creating a dimple when smiling. This period could vary from a few days to several weeks depending on the healing and the extent of tissue removed. A dimple creation surgery can be performed both on cheeks that are chubby or not. The size of the dimple determines the amount of tissue to be removed.
Post surgical care as always has to be maintained. The oral cavity is a source of bacteria and hence great care has to be maintained. An anti-septic mouth wash has to be used a couple of times a day to keep the site as germ free as possible. Suitable antibiotics will also be prescribed to help with faster healing. Pain medications will be taken after consultation if needed to reduce pain. Mild to moderate inflammation will remain for a few days. Over animated facial expressions should be avoided for better results during the healing phase.
In certain rare cases there could be a temporary weakness of the cheek muscle after the surgery that could last for weeks. This is a totally reversible procedure.
Scar/Mole Removal

Skin is a seamless organ as well as the largest organ of our body. It protects our body in a way like a fine cloth protecting valuable assets. We think and care about our skin more than any other organ of our body especially the skin of our face. Imagine a piece of silk. Just one small tear can make a big difference in how it looks. And it’s the same with skin.
Any burn, injury, surgery, pigmentation, bruises, acne, pimples etc can cause a scar. When a scar happens they do not seem to go easily as they appear. Thus, to remove this problem of your skin you will need top cosmetics surgery professional who can remove them effectively.
Generally, people don't seem to give much attention to scars when it is small or in a location that is easy to conceal but when it is not you might search for a way to treat it other than hiding it behind. According to top professionals of cosmetics surgery in Surat scars never fade away completely from skin but with proper treatment and surgery the size and shape and appearance of a scar can be changed.
How Does Scarring Happen?
There are lots of reasons why scars happen in our skin. Scarring is a basically a natural healing procedure after a surgery or injury. It may happen after burning of skin, any injury, pigmentation, skin diseases etc. Top cosmetics surgery professionals in Surat perform the treatment procedure based on many factors such as the size, depth, location, duration, age, sex, genes and ethnicity.
What Are The Types Of Scars?
Keloid scars :
This type of scars generally happens because of accidents, injuries or cuts. They are overly aggressive healing process which extends beyond the actual injury. This type of scar is one of the most visually appearing and obvious form of scaring. Keloid scars are generally appears to be red and purple in cover and they take a long time to fade away. There are many ways are followed by the top cosmetics surgery professionals for the treatment of Keloid scars such as steroid injections, silicon sheets.
Cosmetics surgeons in Surat also use cryotherapy to treat smaller scars of skin. Top cosmetic surgery doctors suggest that Keloid formation can prevent by using gel pads or pressure treatment when the skin is injured.
Contracture Scars :
Contractor scars generally happen due to burning of skin or because of an injury. These are thicker often tighten the skin when they occur. If a contracture scar happens over a large skin area it can impair your ability to move, this means you will find difficulty in moving. They can also go deeper affecting skin muscles and nerves of body.
Hypertrophic Scars :
This type of scars is very similar to Keloid scars but they don't get expanded beyond the wound or injury. They rise above the surface of the injury and appear as red. Top cosmetics surgery professionals of Surat recommend to use steroid injections or silicone sheets to flatten or remove the scar.
Acne Scars :
Acne scar is another common scar type which happens when acne occurs in our skin. Acne scars can be of many types starting from deep pits, wave or angular scars. Doctors or surgeons perform the treatment procedure depending on the size and location of the scar.
What Are Possible Treatments for Scars suggested by top cosmetic surgery clinic experts?
Over-the-counter Treatment :
To remove scars from your skin you can use prescribed creams, gels or ointments from over-thecounter stores. This treatment procedure is suitable when scars happen due to small injury, cuts, burns or other wound. If your scar has happened because of any cosmetics treatment procedure like plastic surgery then you can ask your surgeon if over-the-counter medicines will work for you or not. Scar treatment can also include steroids or antihistamine creams but they may have some side effects such as itching or sensation. If your skin has formed scar from severe acne then you can ask your dermatologist about which treatment would be better for you. Pressure treatment and silicone gel sheeting is another part of scarring treatment that top cosmetic surgery professionals use in their treatment procedure.
Surgical removal or treatment :
If you are suffering from deeper scars there are many options available to treat them depending on the particular case of the scar such as excision, skin grafts or laser surgery. In the treatment procedure of skin grafts professionals surgeons uses skin of another area and place it on the wounded skin. If your scar is impairing function of your body then with the help of a surgery you can solve the problem very easily. The top cosmetic surgery professionals of Aesthetic, Surat suggest their patients to wait up to one year before making any surgery for scar treatment.
Injections :
To treat scars many doctors suggests steroid injections. Mostly Keloids or Hypertrophic scars are treated through injections. The injections can be used them along with other treatment procedures too.
Many dermal fillers or injections such as collagen may also be useful for pitted scarring treatment but dermal fillers never give a permanent solution.
What is a mole?
Mole is very common to people and everyone has a mole somewhere in their body. Moles are dark or brown colored spot occurs on skin when skin cells build up clusters instead of spreading throughout the skin. These types of skin cells are known as Melanocytes which is responsible to give natural color to our skin. Top cosmetic surgery experts or scientists use different terms to denote moles. Single moles generally defined as Nevis and multiple moles defined as Nevi.
What causes moles?
Some people born with moles on their skin and some moles even occur after birth. If you want to know the reason of occurring moles then it will be sunlight. The skin area which are most exposed to sun are more prone to mole.
Heredity can be another source of causing moles. Changes of hormone level can also cause moles in our skin and another reason can be the aging process. However, whatever the reason behind the mole of your skin it can be removed by two surgical methods by our top cosmetic surgery doctors in Surat: such as Excision (cutting), with or without stitches and Excision with cauterization (a tool is used to burn away the mole.
Laser excision has also been tried by many dermatologists for the treatment of moles but it is not a common choice of top professionals. Depending on the depth of mole top cosmetics surgery doctors of clinics may use excision with or without stitch.
Cheek/Chin Augmentation

What Is Cheek Augmentation ?
Fat grafting and transfer
Using your own fat (taken from another part of the body, like the hips or butt), your plastic surgeon can give you fuller, plumper cheeks. Fat transfer is probably the most popular option at the moment for long-term cheek fullness, but using your own fat requires an additional liposuction-like procedure to be performed.
Cheek implants
Along with fat grafting, cheek implants are another option for restoring youthfulness more permanently. Silicone implants, ideal for someone who wants to add a lot of volume as opposed to a slight increase, add fullness and create a lifting effect.
Fillers and injectables

blog4 To restore volume lost with age or to provide definition, your plastic surgeon or dermatologist can inject fillers along the cheekbone. While there are a variety of injectables available, different ones produce varying effects—and not all of them last the same amount of time.
“Technically, there are no fillers approved by the FDA for use in this area, but there are several options that are considered to be safe and effective,” explains Plano, TX, facial plastic surgeon D.J. Verret, MD. For temporary correction, Dr. D.J. Verret suggests hyaluronic acid fillers like Restylane and Juvéderm, as well as collagen-stimulators Readies and Sculptra Aesthetic (which last longer).
Chin Augmentation
Chin augmentation using surgical implants can alter the underlying structure of the face, providing better balance to the facial features. The specific medical terms mentoplasty and genioplasty are used to refer to the reduction and addition of material to a patient's chin. This can take the form of chin height reduction or chin rounding by osteotomy, or chin augmentation using implants.
This operation is often, but not always, performed at the time of rhinoplasty to help balance the facial proportions. Chin augmentation may be achieved by manipulation of the jaw bone (mandible) and augmentation utilizing this technique usually provides a more dramatic correction than with the use of prosthetic implants.
Chin implants are to build a better profile. Patients' own bone is donated from ribs and from part of the pelvis (the ilium.) Unfortunately, use of donated bone implants in chin augmentation, even the patient's own, appears to be associated with a higher rate of infection, even after the implant has been in place for decades.
Chin augmentation is still popular because it's a relatively easy operation for the patient while producing noticeable changes in the silhouette of the face. This type of surgery is usually performed by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, otolaryngologist, or plastic surgeon.
Lip Augmentation

We specialize in natural injectable fillers for lip augmentation so that aging lips can be rejuvenated and less full lips can be enhanced.
As we age, our lips lose their pretty pout. Lip augmentation can restore lost volume and plump up lips that have thinned from aging. When done with accuracy, this type of procedure can lead to amazing and rejuvenating effects.
What Are My Treatment Options?
Lip enhancement and rejuvenation are two of the most frequently requested cosmetic procedures. All of these fillers are soft, pliable, and have a natural feel.
Which Product Is Right For You?
Each of these products has different properties that result in variances in the length of time the product lasts in your lips. These same properties also lend themselves to physician preferences. During your consultation your doctor will help you choose the correct product to achieve your desired results.
Injectable lip enhancement In the eighties and nineties, collagen was the injectable of choice for lip enhancement. Although collagen is still very popular, it is not your only option. Today, there is a long list of products used to replenish and enhance lips.
Soft tissue fillers Some of the most popular soft tissue fillers include, but are not limited to, the following injectables: Juvederm, Restylane and Per lane. new fillers seem to be introduced almost monthly.
Additional procedures are available and can be discussed at the time of your consultation. What is recovery like? After our doctor performs lip augmentation with one of our injectable products, your lips remain swollen for a few hours only. You may return to normal activities the same day. Touch-up treatments may be necessary.
When implants are used for lip augmentation, discomfort is minimal. Small stitches may be used to close the implant site. These stitches will be removed in a few days. Some swelling may last up to a week. Elevating your head and applying cold compresses during the first 24 hours will help keep this to a minimum. Postoperative discomfort can be controlled with medication. Chewing food and brushing your teeth may be a little uncomfortable for a few days. There may be some bruising which can be covered with make-up.
Generally, patients experience a slightly longer recovery period after laser lip rejuvenation. Most of the healing occurs during the first one or two weeks. During this time the treated areas must be kept moist. Postoperative discomfort can be controlled with medication. The initial redness fades to a light pink.
What is the best lip implant or procedure for me? Which do you recommend? This is a choice only you can make as many factors are involved.
1. Remember to think ahead, and go for what is safe and proven - not some whim. The choice is your sand you must make it.
2. Price may be an issue for you. But remember, doctors offer deals to those patients they are practising on with a newer product. Be careful about this.
3. The material or product that you may want may not be available. New and improved products are developed all the time, it is only a matter of waiting for that material.
Double Chin

Double Chin Liposuction - What Is It?
Double Chin Liposuction - How Is It Done?
The advancements in microcannular liposuction technology had made chin fat removal quite easy. Recovery of the patients is also very fast. Plastic surgeons now make only tiny incisions in skin liposuction since the latest liposuction instruments are quite small, with a diameter of less than 2 mm. These instruments are termed as cannula. The surgeon applies a local anesthesia and conducts the double chin liposuction treatment. There is very little bleeding and much lesser trauma to the skin tissues, compared to earlier liposuction procedures.
Double Chin Liposuction - After the Surgery :
Even though only a local anesthesia is given and the patient could move about immediately after the plastic surgery, it would be advisable to take rest for 2-3 days. However, moderate activities could be undertaken without any problem. There would be moderate swelling but this would subside rapidly. The surgeon would recommend that you wear an elastic chin strap for a few days so that there is a gentle pressure on the area of liposuction chin procedure. After the introduction of double chin liposuction, face lift procedure had become obsolete. In a few cases, liposuction is combined with laser resurfacing also for better fat removal. There are virtually no side effects in modern liposuction procedures.
Ear Correction / Pinnaplasty

What Is Ear Surgery (Ear Lobe Surgery)?
Ear surgery (also known as ear lobe surgery or cosmetic surgery for ears) is a procedure that corrects abnormalities of the ears including: protruding ears, abnormally large lobes, lop ears (tips fold down), and shell ear (a condition in which many of the curves and contours are missing).
The imperfections are often cartilage-related, so in many otoplasty procedures, the surgeon will make a minor cut to the back in order to reach the cartilage of the ear.
Because irregularly shaped ears will often result in ridicule, the majority of otoplasty candidates are generally children. Younger ear surgery patients usually receive general anesthesia to keep them from moving during the procedure. Adults are more likely to receive local anesthesia.
Normally, ear surgery lasts from two to three hours and is typically an outpatient procedure for adults. Otoplasty patients younger than 16 years of age are more likely to remain overnight for observation. The recovery period is approximately one week after the surgery, during which patients should stay home from school or work.
Ear surgery patients may remain bandaged for three or more days during the week-long recovery. After a follow-up appointment, patients typically wear a headband-like dressing for approximately three more weeks.
Earlobe repair is a plastic surgery procedure that involves the removal of the damaged, torn, or weakened portion of the earlobe, and then repairing both the internal and external structures so that the earlobe strength and form are restored to their natural per-stretched, or per-damaged, appearance.
Earlobe repair procedures are performed in men and women, but are most common in women with weak earlobes who have worn heavy earrings for many years, and the earring gradually stretch and weaken the lobes to the point of tearing through. Other common scenarios are accidental tear-troughs when an earring catches on something and suddenly tears through the earlobe, or in cases of very large ear jewelry when the piercing is expanded and stretched on purpose.
Earlobe Repair Surgery Fixes The Following Problems:
- Torn earlobes (when earrings get ripped out by accident)
- Weak earlobes (sagging that occurs after many years of wearing large, heavy earrings)
- Large or unattractive earlobes (earlobe reduction)
Will I Need To Take Time Off Work To Have Earlobe Repair Surgery?
No. You could actually go right back to work after the procedure if you needed to, but we always recommend that you take off the same day that you are having the procedure so that you can go home an apply some ice to avoid excessive swelling. A single earlobe repair takes about 30-45 minutes, and a two-earlobe repair takes about 90 minutes. The procedure is done under local anesthesia in the office, and you’ll barely feel a thing thanks to Dr. Vendemia’s gentle techniques and meticulous earlobe repair procedures.
When Can I Start Wearing Earrings Again After Earlobe Repair?
We recommend that you wait at least 6 weeks before attempting to wear earrings again. Wearing earrings too early after the repair dramatically increases the chances that you will need to have another repair in the future. You have to wait until the repair is fully healed, which takes a minimum of 6 weeks.
How Much Does Earlobe Repair Cost?
The price range for a single earlobe is anywhere from 1000-2000 depending on the complexity of your particular procedure, and whether or not it is a single earlobe or both earlobes that are being repaired. Watch out for bargain pricing with seemingly small procedures like this. The procedure is a small one, but it needs to be conducted meticulously and properly to ensure that the problem doesn’t reoccur within a few weeks, or the first time you try to wear earrings again. Bargains surgeons will often perform only 1/3 of the procedure where they remove the weakened portion of the earlobe, but only repair the skin. This leaves the internal structure of the earlobe unprepared, which is the most important step of the procedure to ensure an adequate repair.
Botox & Fillers

What Exactly Is BOTOX®?
BOTOX® is a purified protein produced by the Clostridium botulinum bacterium. It is a nonsurgical, physician-administered treatment that can temporarily reduce moderate to severe frown lines between the brows in people 18 to 65 years of age.
During treatment, very low doses of BOTOX® are administered via a few tiny injections directly into the muscles that cause those stubborn lines. The treatment is usually done in about 10 minutes, and no recovery time is needed. Within days, you may see an improvement that can last up to 4 months. Results may vary.
The actual implant placement and final restoration is completed in hours, not months. Often referred to as Teeth-in-an-Hour, this treatment option is made possible through Procera 3D planning software and Nobel Bio care technology.
Benefits of Computer Guided Surgery - Precision ... Accuracy ... Success
This revolutionary system offers a more accurate and safer positioning of dental implants and provides the patient with permanent teeth in about an hour. This technology enables your doctor to get an advanced, detailed look at the interior sections of the jaw bone, surrounding tissue and the nerves. These CT scan machines are the same as those used to aid surgeons in joint replacement procedures.
How Does BOTOX® Work?
Those moderate to severe frown lines between your brows form over time as the result of muscle activity. BOTOX® is injected directly into the muscles. It is most often used on forehead lines, crow's feet (lines around the eye) and frown lines.
It works by blocking the transmission of nerve impulses to the injected muscles; this reduces the activity of the muscles that cause those persistent lines to form.
When Will I See Results From A BOTOX® Treatment?
Within days, you may see a marked improvement in the moderate to severe frown lines between your brows. Lines continue to improve for up to a month, and results can last for up to 4 months. Nearly 90% of men and women rated the improvement in their appearance as moderate to better 1 month after treatment. Results may vary
How Long Does BOTOX® Last?
Results from treatment with BOTOX® can last for up to 4 months. If you discontinue treatment, the frown lines between your brows gradually will look like they did before treatment.
Who Should Administer BOTOX® ?
Any authorized healthcare professional can administer BOTOX®, but plastic surgeons & dermatologists, specializing in cosmetic procedures are generally more experienced. One of these physicians can help you decide if BOTOX® is right for you.
Is Treatment With BOTOX® Painful?
Discomfort is usually minimal and brief. Prior to injecting, we may choose to numb the area with a cold pack or anesthetic cream. The entire procedure takes approximately 10 minutes. People are in and out of the office without downtime following BOTOX® treatment.
Who Should Not Use BOTOX® ?
Patients who are pregnant, breastfeeding or have a neurological disease should not use Botox.. BOTOX® should not be used in the presence of infection at the proposed injection site(s) and in individuals with known hypersensitivity to any ingredient in the formulation.
What Are The Side Effects Of Botox?
Temporary bruising is the most common side effect. Headaches, which resolve in 24-48 hours, can occur, but this is rare. A small percentage of patients may develop eyelid drooping. This usually resolves in three weeks. This development is usually caused by migration of the Botox and for this reason, you shouldn't rub the treated area for 12 hours after injection or lay down for three to four hours. There have been no allergies associated with Botox to date.
Will My Facial Expressions Continue To Look Natural?
Although the results are visible, a treatment with BOTOX® will not radically change your facial appearance or make you look as if you "had work done." The muscle activity that causes frown lines between the brows is simply reduced, so you can still frown or look surprised without the wrinkles and creases between your brows. What will happen to the frown lines between my brows if I choose not to continue treatments? If you do not continue treatments, the moderate to severe frown lines between your brows will gradually look like they did before treatment.
Is BOTOX® Affordable?
When considering your facial aesthetic options, BOTOX® is quite affordable. According to an American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery survey, BOTOX® is one of the low-entry-cost facial aesthetic procedures in the United States.
Is It Safe?
BOTOX is approved by USFDA for cosmetic use. It has been in use for aver 17 years and its safety is well established.